Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Barbie Wars

Never a dull moment in the Willoughby House. With 3 kids, all under 7, we have a lot of craziness. My girls are 15 months apart so they are indeed the majority of the drama and today... we have an issue. Nana sent a gift in the mail which was a very nice gesture, HOWEVER, there was a Barbie and a Stuffed Animal and this my friends, created the Barbie War.

You can not... CAN NOT ask the girls to choose between two different toys no matter how much they told Nana on the phone that stuffed animals or barbie is their favorite toy. To make the situation better, my friend who is helping out and watching the girls after school for a couple weeks has had the privilege of being the referee of the latest battle in Barbie Wars. So sorry, Rachel!!!

It pains me but the only solution is to disarm and put the Barbie away until they forget about it. Then, I'll get the other Barbie that has been banished to the plastic bag in the garage and reintroduce them as a pair.

Peace at last...

1 comment:

  1. hi kim,
    o the drama! just wait, you don't know from real drama! lol... anyhow to bring a smile to your face i have bestowed you with an award, stop by my blog to pick it up!
